English Speaking
& Personality Development
Mr. Jagdish R. Wandile Sir
Wandile Sir's Spoken English Institute is by far the best in the city in terms of quality, we provide to learners by using latest and up-to-date teaching methodologies. The basic motive at Spoken English Institute, is to remove hesitation from the minds of students & to make him confident enough to express their thoughts in English. This is done through constant practice of the use of their present vocabulary as well as enriching their present vocabulary with newer words.
We follow an effective teaching methodology which is learn friendly by emphasizing on their pronunciation and spelling as well as the use of right words while they read and write on the basis of our vast teaching experience for the last 18 years and research in this field we convey the message to learners that only a good reader can be a good writer and only a good listener can be a good speaker.
So, we cover all the aspects of Spoken English viz. reading, writing, speaking and understanding. We frequently review the performance of each student and provide them sufficient study material towards learning the global language.
Reasons to learn English
- It is essential to work
- It is the universal language
- It will open the door of new cultures
- You will travel comfortably
- It is the most learned language
- To surpass yourself
- Art and Anglophone literature
- Eliminates weaknesses
The Importance of English Language has globally accepted. It is the only Language which is being taught second language and as an official language in almost 90 countries. It is not only currently considered the most important language for those who speak it as their first language but also for them who speak it as a second language. English is essential when it comes to finding jobs or career in both government departments and multinational companies. Every country has their own national languages local languages are spoken and understood by people in different regions.Some languages are spoken by millions of people, the others by just a few thousand people.
We know that Communication is very keen role in any field, whether it is business, medicine, transportation, technology, trade or marketing. English is globally accepted and known by all.
Globalization covers all aspects of life. Deep understanding is very important in every field. Without proper communication it is not possible to be in connection. About 380 million people consider English as their first language; two thirds of them prefer it as a second language. In addition, billions of people are in the process of learning. Therefore it is important to know how English language will unite people. It is a universally accepted language.
English is also essential for education. In many countries, children are taught and encouraged to learn English as a second language. Almost 90% educational subjects are written in English. Number of scientific innovations and books are written in English Language.
Reason for Developing Personality
- Gives Confident
- Inproves Communication Skills
- Helps to develop a Positive Attitute
- Makes you credible
- Imporving Personality
- Gain Knowldege
- A healthy Body
- Dress Smartly
- Speaking Style
Personality Development is a full fledged course as people have started understanding the importance of this is the true sense. A few years ago parents rarely gave any importance to personality development of their children. Emphasis was given only on physical appearance and expertise in work. In the changing times of competition and economic revolution Personality Development is gaining importance.
With the help of good training a child or an adult can learn communication skills and different subjects. Similarly, training in personality development enhances the general as well as unique traits of a person that is required for differentiating a person from another. A teacher of personality development helps a person to get positive thought pattern, gain confidence, improve behaviour, learn better communication and develop a healthy physique.
Many people still think that personality is related to the physical appearance of a person. If a person is well-built and wearing a good dress it is said that he/she has a good personality. But this is not a rational approach. In case the inner personality of a person is weak he/she will lose impact as soon as he/she speaks or acts. Such a person fails to create a lasting impression on others and rising in his/her career becomes a very difficult task. Therefore, both the inner and the outer personality of a person should be strengthened.
You can develop your personality by practising some interesting and easy things like- setting an aim in life; having the power of knowledge; looking confident as it shows on your face when you are confident of what you are doing and when you are not; speak in style because that reflects your personality, shows how learned you are and whether you are what you are; dress smartly because they say the first impression is the last one and people will judge you firstly by your looks before going in for anything else. Also good dresses act as a stimulus for the wearer. He/she feels more confident and relaxed.
सामान्य विध्यर्थी मोकळ्या मनाने दोन शब्द लोकांसमोर का बोलू शकत नाही ? या संपूर्ण गोष्टींचा सखोल अभ्यास केल्यानंतर विशिष्ठ प्रकारचे शिकवणी वर्ग व हे क्रांतिकारी पुस्तक तयार करण्यात आले.
दैनंदिन जिवनाषी संबंधीत असलेले वेगवेगळे शब्द तयार होण्याची प्रक्रिया, एका शब्दाचे वेगवेगळे अर्थ सुस्पष्ट करण्यासाठी व शब्दांचा वाक्यात उपयोग कसा करावा हे समजावून सांगण्यासाठी हे क्रांतीकारक पुस्तक निर्माण करण्यात आले आहे.
Which thing make people amazed of your English Language when they here your speaking? Your Grammar, Vocabulary or Pronounciation people interested in once English because of good pronounciation
Course Contents & Features
Learning Contents
- Basic English Gramar
- Stage Daring
- Group Discussion and Debate
- Compering Skill (संचालन कला)
- Presentation Skill (सादरीकरण)
- Conversation Skill (संवाद कौशल्य )
- Time Management
- Decision Making (निर्णय क्षमता)
- Interview Technique
- Confidence Building & Positive Attitude
- We not only teach English but also we generate a) Leader 2) Manager 3) Responsible Citizen
- Come to attend Seminar Every Sunday on Various Important life related topic.
- 100% Sure Guarantee or Money Return.
- No Age Limit.
- Special Batch for Staff and Ladies.
- Life time membership facility are available
About Course
Course Duration : 4 Months
Material Provided : Self Written 3 Books
Time : 1.30 Hour Teaching and 45 Minute Practising
Batches : Morning and Evening
Lower Level Students : 5 Months
Intermediate Level : 4 Month
Higher Level : 3 Month
Student Experience
Contact Infomration
Mr. Jagdish R. Wandile
Bidkar Ward, Behind Ambedkar School, Hinganghat, Dist Wardha.
eMail : jagdishwandilesir@gmail.com