Friday, 24 November 2017

Tradition & Custom

Facts of life

The first stage in the search for truth is to be truthful to your self. We have forgotten that we have to be truthful toward ourselves. For thousands of years lies falsehoods have been nourished and fed. They have become so old that today it has become impossible to even doubt them. When lies are publicized and propagated for a very long time they start appearing to be truth. When for thousands and thousands of years things are said in support of some lie, and when thousands of proper believe them then slowly people forget that those are lies and they start appearing to be the truth.

we have not necessarily invented the lies that surround our lives. It is possible that traditions may have developed them over a period of thousands of years. since we have not developed them, we are unaware that we are supporting some lie we don’t even remember it does not even occur to us. until we become aware of it until we destroy the curtain of lies within us, we won’t be able to know what truth is keep in mind. he who can not know truth can never attain freedom in his life for. the man who can not know truth the fountains of bliss can never burst forth in his life.For the man who can not know truth, his life can never becomes a melody; He will live in misery and suffering and he will die in suffering. his time will be wasted in meaninglessness. he will miss life and he will be deprived of knowing what it is.

We all want to know the truth and that is why we wander on those paths where we feel we can find it. we are thirsty. Otherwise who would go to the temples and the mosques? we surely have a desire within us but desire alone is not enough, and thirst alone is not enough in itself. We have to break all the wall of lies in side us that we ourselves have created, and only then can we have some contact with the truth. And as I said, a lie that surrounds us may not have been invented by us it can be an old story. Every generation repeats the same lies as the previous generation it is the repetition that goes on happening.

Hence the first thing that I want to tell you is that a person who accept things said by the people and the society without thinking and contemplating on his our is standing in favor of a lie one who wants to stand in favor of truth should not get into such blind acceptance. He should keep eye open. He should be alert in his thinking and contemplation. He needs to develop this thinking and about within and only then will he be able to survive. Otherwise lies will reach hold of him and he will remain surrounded by them.

To remain surrounded by lie is so fulfilling that it is beyond description. To remain surrounded by lies gives contentment and finding the truth is arduous, Find the truth austerity. finding the truth requires effort. As far as a lie is concerned. We can accept it even in our sleepiness. Neither does it require any austerity; it only need our acceptance, If that acceptance gives fulfillment to our ego, if it gives contentment to our ego, then nothing surpasses that.

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