Sunday, 5 November 2017

How to Pronounce Correctly


Many people learning English language often do not attention to their pronunciation. Even worse, some of them underestimate it. They think that pronunciation is less important than grammar and vocabulary. In fact, in my opinion pronunciation is extremely important. Many cases of misunderstanding in communication were caused by the mispronouncing of words or the improper intonation.

Let's take a few examples : if someone pronounces the words for and fog, see and sick, sick and six with relatively no differences. In some cases can lead to a misunderstanding. Another example : when one pronounces the word present with stress in the first syllable, whereas she uses in a sentence "I'd like to present" is certainly in correct or irritating. Based on the preview I stated, it has been obvious why pronunciation is important. In addition, good pronunciation can also give a plus value to those who master it. You still don't believe of what do you think which makes people get amazed of your English languagewhen they hear you speaking in English?

Your grammar, vocabulary or pronunciation? the answer is the quality of the pronunciation what makes people interested in one's English is firstly his/her pronunciation definitely! Good grammar and wide vocabulary are usually secondarily observed. Moreover! good pronunciation skill can give you more self confidence when you speak in front of many people.

So, it has become more and more obvious that pronunciation can not be underestimated. It must become one's priority while he/she is learning English. At least, the learners of English should give the same proportion of time and attention to pronunciation as they do to grammar and vocabulary. In English speaking course pronunciation should have become compulsory mence in their daily language activities. They must practice it and train themselves good pronunciation everyday. If not, then they will regret at the time they need.

Pronunciation has no position in school curriculum. That doesn't mean pronunciation is not important. The fact is that the curriculum designers have not noticed its importance. As we know, pronunciation is an integrated and interal part of launguage learning. It consists of element much wider than sound of consonants and vowels. It includes the elements of rhythm and intonation, which support the communicative process. That is to say, anyone who wants to gain communicative competence has to study pronunciation. 

Evenwhen the non-native speakers' vocabulary and grammar are excellent, if their pronunciation falls below a certain threshold level, they are unable to communicate effectively. The importance of pronunciation is even more distinct when the connection between pronunciation and listening comprehension is considered. If the thythm and intonation are different, listeners simply can't get the meaning. Similarly, listenesrs need to know how speech is organized and what patterns of intonation mean in order to interpret speech accurately. Thus, learning about pronunciation develops learners abilities to comprehend spoken English. Furthermore, a lack of knowledge of pronunciation could even affect student's reading and spelling.  

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